ios - Foundation crash report, no clue -

i have crash report crashlytics crash happening several times, don't know start one. thing able see form app appdelegate, , looks going wrong array should look?

    thread : crashed: 0  libobjc.a.dylib                0x39720f46 objc_msgsend + 5 1  foundation                     0x2bcec8e7 -[nsmutablerlearray replaceobjectsinrange:withobject:length:] + 370 2  foundation                     0x2bd06b6b -[nsconcretemutableattributedstring addattribute:value:range:] + 266 3  uifoundation                   0x36792d07 -[nsstringdrawingtextstorage addattribute:value:range:] + 50 4  uifoundation                   0x3677ced7 -[nsmutableattributedstring(nsmutableattributedstringkitadditions) fixfontattributeinrange:] + 1738 5  uifoundation                   0x3677c71b -[nsmutableattributedstring(nsmutableattributedstringkitadditions) fixattributesinrange:] + 186 6  uifoundation                   0x36797c59 -[nstextstorage invalidateattributesinrange:] + 108 7  uifoundation                   0x36792b27 -[nsstringdrawingtextstorage processediting] + 66 8  uifoundation                   0x36797995 -[nstextstorage edited:range:changeinlength:] + 312 9  uifoundation                   0x367970fb -[nsconcretenotifyingmutableattributedstring edited:range:changeinlength:] + 50 10 foundation                     0x2bcf2529 -[nsconcretemutableattributedstring replacecharactersinrange:withattributedstring:] + 328 11 uifoundation                   0x3679278d -[nsstringdrawingtextstorage textcontainerforattributedstring:containersize:linefragmentpadding:] + 72 12 uifoundation                   0x3678ba7d __nsstringdrawingengine + 7520 13 uifoundation                   0x367905bb -[nsattributedstring(nsextendedstringdrawing) boundingrectwithsize:options:context:] + 914 14 uikit                          0x2ea2726b -[uilabel _updatescaledmetricsforrect:] + 618 15 uikit                          0x2e700b51 -[uilabel _drawtextinrect:baselinecalculationonly:] + 448 16 uikit                          0x2e7684c9 -[uilabel drawtextinrect:] + 488 17 uikit                          0x2e7682d9 -[uilabel drawrect:] + 84 18 uikit                          0x2e76825d -[uiview(calayerdelegate) drawlayer:incontext:] + 400 19 quartzcore                     0x2e12e33d -[calayer drawincontext:] + 228 20 uikit                          0x2eb74689 -[_uilabelcontentlayer drawincontext:] + 140 21 quartzcore                     0x2e11765b cabackingstoreupdate_ + 2070 22 quartzcore                     0x2e1fccb9 ___zn2ca5layer8display_ev_block_invoke + 52 23 quartzcore                     0x2e116e39 x_blame_allocations + 88 24 quartzcore                     0x2e116ad1 ca::layer::display_() + 1160 25 quartzcore                     0x2e0fa729 ca::layer::display_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 200 26 quartzcore                     0x2e0fa3ed ca::layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(ca::transaction*) + 24 27 quartzcore                     0x2e0f9d81 ca::context::commit_transaction(ca::transaction*) + 224 28 quartzcore                     0x2e0f9b6f ca::transaction::commit() + 434 29 quartzcore                     0x2e14d6e1 ca::display::displaylink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 524 30 iomobileframebuffer            0x33050c07 iomobileframebuffervsyncnotifyfunc + 90 31 iokit                          0x2bfea001 iodispatchcalloutfromcfmessage + 256 32 corefoundation                 0x2b02624d __cfmachportperform + 132 33 corefoundation                 0x2b0367cb __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_source1_perform_function__ + 34 34 corefoundation                 0x2b036767 __cfrunloopdosource1 + 346 35 corefoundation                 0x2b034d69 __cfrunlooprun + 1608 36 corefoundation                 0x2af81201 cfrunlooprunspecific + 476 37 corefoundation                 0x2af81013 cfrunloopruninmode + 106 38 graphicsservices               0x32a52201 gseventrunmodal + 136 39 uikit                          0x2e74da09 uiapplicationmain + 1440 40 myapp                          0x00264ee4 main (appdelegate.swift:16) 41 libdyld.dylib                  0x39cc6aaf start + 2 

any idea how go further one?


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