javascript - CasperJS/PhantomJS - Browsing one page and send HTTP request to other resource -

i need browse 1 page, retrieve data , send data service via http requests. far know, casperjs/phantomjs can work simultaneously 1 web resource. how bypass limitation?

upd: need make request casperjs/phantomjs side, not page context through evaluate().

@interloper - able perform integration, need 2 basic requirements:

1 - page requested, must habilidada receive information via http access control (cors). depend on type of application! example, if using c # in project, you'll have add following code in web.config in system.webserver:

<httpprotocol>     <customheaders>         <add name="access-control-allow-origin" value="*" />         <add name="access-control-allow-headers" value="content-type" />     </customheaders> </httpprotocol> 

with this, project / page enabled can make access / exchange of information other domain ...

2 - can call url domain, , in our case, code casperjs, can perform http call using ajax (jquery / js), following example:

function get_response(output) {     $.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "url",         datatype: "text",         async: false,         data: { param1:value1 },         success: function (response) {             var $doc = $.parsexml(response);             output($($doc).find('tagsxml').find('tag_response1')[0].textcontent + '|' + $($doc).find('tagsxml').find('tag_response2')[0].textcontent);         },         error: function (response) {             output('');         }     }); }  get_response(function (output) {     test.pass('output: ' + output);     var value1 = output.split('|')[0];     var value2 = output.split('|')[1].replace(/\n/g, ""); }); 

with code, can perform "remote access" , feedback information (if necessary)


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