objective c - Multiple UIAlertControllers in iOS -

in app there scenarios multiple alerts come. in ios8 uialertview turned uialertcontroller, not able show multiple alerts can not present 2 or more controllers @ same time.

how can achieve using uialertcontroller?

here method show multiple alertcontrollers :

        uialertcontroller *av = [uialertcontroller alertcontrollerwithtitle:title message:msg preferredstyle:uialertcontrollerstylealert];          uialertaction *cancelaction = [uialertaction                                        actionwithtitle:kalertok                                        style:uialertactionstylecancel                                        handler:^(uialertaction *action)                                        {                                         }];         [av addaction:cancelaction];          uiwindow *alertwindow = [[uiwindow alloc]initwithframe:[uiscreen mainscreen].bounds];         alertwindow.rootviewcontroller = [[uiviewcontroller alloc]init];         alertwindow.windowlevel = uiwindowlevelalert + 1;         [alertwindow makekeyandvisible];         [alertwindow.rootviewcontroller presentviewcontroller:av animated:yes completion:nil]; 


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