windows 7 x64 - How to add 64 bit target platform in Delphi XE8? -

the files right click on target platform in project manager , select "add platform", when "add platform" item greyed out.

is there way add 64 bit platform?

this happen when migrating projects previous versions of delphi.

try deleting dproj file , open dpr file. way handles upgrade process.

if not, need create new project , add existing source files it.

or can try editing dproj file enable win64 platform.

<project xmlns="">     <propertygroup>         ...         <targetedplatforms>3</targetedplatforms>         ...     </propertygroup>     ...     <propertygroup condition="('$(platform)'=='win64' , '$(base)'=='true') or '$(base_win64)'!=''">         <base_win64>true</base_win64>         <cfgparent>base</cfgparent>         <base>true</base>     </propertygroup>     ...     <projectextensions>         <borland.personality>delphi.personality.12</borland.personality>         ...         <borlandproject>             ...             <platforms>                 <platform value="win32">true</platform>                 <platform value="win64">true</platform>             </platforms>             ...         </borlandproject>         ...     </projectextensions>     ... </project> 


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