Creating charts in java or javascript without images -

one of project requirements new java web project have dynamic charts load fast.

while in discussion , asked if implement charts without using images ie without loading jpg, png files etc. files pdf cannot used.

basically question

  1. can charts implemented in jsp/javascript without using images,pdf etc ? ie api's used should not provide end result image,or pdf etc.

  2. i did not no right away , have implemented charts in console applications in c on screen. can on webpage ? ie show graph drawing on screen dots,lines,circles etc.but should possible inside div ?

ps : comments , answer lucien stals helped understand technology looking svg.

i looking nudging in right direction of experienced java , javascript programmers in so.

a simple bar chart easy enough create divs , css. more complicated , think talking svg, drawn using, or maybe . @ html5 canvas element.


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