Javascript: Add HTML to string - make a link and add it to output -

new javascript, how fix problem i'm having?

i want add a tag string variable i'm creating using function.

the whole message (eg - "your tutor john doe. contact them here: contact form") added dom function (which works).

when run script outputs browser second part (makelink()) doesnt work.

this get: "your tutor john doe. contact them here" - instead of url want word contact form should link.

how do this?

i tried using link() method, didnt work , had similar output.

i'll include relevant script below, rest works fine...

function makemessage(){      for(i in msgarr){          stringmsg += msgarr[i];          //do not add comma after last item         if(i < msgarr.length - 1){             stringmsg += ', ';         }       }       var highriskmsg = "your tutor " + stringmsg + ". contact them here" +  makelink();      return highriskmsg; }   function makelink() {     var contactlink = document.createelement("a");//create <a> tag     contactlink.setattribute("id", "linkc");//set id att <a> tag     contactlink.setattribute("href", "");//set id att <a> tag     var contactlinktxt = document.createtextnode("contact form");//new text node     contactlink.appendchild(contactlinktxt);//append text child of <a> tag          return contactlink;     } 

it seems problem returning dom element makelink() function, , won't concat string expect.

you need return valid html string instead, such as: <a id=".." href="..">..</a>

the quickest way fix code change return makelink() function follows:

return contactlink.outerhtml; 

using outerhtml return html string element, rather element itself.

here working example


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