magento got invalid login or password error for customer -

i added 1 customer programmatically , send mail customer new password , in admin side found customer when customer try login email id , password got error 'invalid login or password' here code problem this?

define('magento_root', getcwd()); $magefilename = magento_root . '/app/mage.php'; require_once $magefilename; mage::init(); mage::setisdevelopermode(true); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); //for unlimited memory being more trickey ini_set('display_errors', 1); varien_profiler::enable(); umask(0); mage::app('default');  $customer_email = '';  // email adress pass questionaire  $customer_fname = 'test_firstname';      // can set tempory firstname here  $customer_lname = 'test_lastname';       // can set tempory lastname here  $passwordlength = 10;                    // lenght of autogenerated password  $customer = mage::getmodel('customer/customer'); $customer->setwebsiteid(mage::app()->getwebsite()->getid()); $customer->loadbyemail($customer_email); /* * check if email exist on system. * if yes,  not create user account.  */  if(!$customer->getid()) {     //setting data such email, firstname, lastname, , password     $customer->setemail($customer_email);    $customer->setfirstname($customer_fname);   $customer->setlastname($customer_lname);   $customer->setpassword($customer->generatepassword($passwordlength));  } try{   //the save data , send new account email.   $customer->save();   $customer->setconfirmation(null);   $customer->save();    $customer->sendnewaccountemail(); }  catch(exception $ex){  } 

advance thanks....

i guess it's not automatically setting customer active. can confirm running query on db;

select * customer_entity email = '' 

there column in there called 'is_active', set 0 no.

in script create customer add before save;



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