scala - Spark running Liblinear unable to load JBLAS jar -

i'm running spark 1.4.0, hadoop 2.7.0, , jdk 7. i'm trying run example code of liblinear presented here.

the liblinear jar works, when training model can't find jblas library. i've tried including jblas library in --jars option when launching spark, installing jar maven (although must add newbie spark maven did wrong).

the specific error thrown this:

    java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org/jblas/doublematrix     @     @$.tw$edu$ntu$csie$liblinear$sparkliblinear$$train_one(sparkliblinear.scala:32)` 

when running line:

    val model = sparkliblinear.train(data, "-s 0 -c 1.0 -e 1e-2")` 


java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org/jblas/doublematrix

it seems did not add jblas jar. solution be:

$ export spark_classpath=$spark_classpath:/path/to/jblas-1.2.3.jar 

after that, work fine.

hope helps,

le quoc do


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