python 3.x - Python3 tk TreeView dynamic column width -

relevant code below. looking way dynamically size ttk treeview widget's column fit text inside it. have treeview (within class) minwidths on columns, text fill "notes" column infinitely long , column needs resize take string. limit max size needless still want dynamic hold large string of text if needed neat when string shorter.

there 2 solutions really, either dynamic sizing or calculating pixel width required given string, font.measure() mentioned doesn't seem applicable python 3.x

any great, i'd tiny thing sorted can finish up!

 sql.connect(dbfile) dbconnection:         cursor = dbconnection.cursor()         self.treestudentlog = ttk.treeview(self.mainframe, columns=("type","points", "notes"), height=21)          yscrollbar = ttk.scrollbar(self.mainframe, orient='vertical', command=self.treestudentlog.yview)         xscrollbar = ttk.scrollbar(self.mainframe, orient='horizontal', command=self.treestudentlog.xview), y=240, height=440), y=678, width=813)          self.treestudentlog.configure(yscroll=yscrollbar.set, xscroll=xscrollbar.set)          self.treestudentlog.heading("#0", text="student")         self.treestudentlog.column("#0", minwidth=180)           self.treestudentlog.heading("type", text="log type")         self.treestudentlog.column("type", minwidth=160)                     self.treestudentlog.heading("points", text="points")         self.treestudentlog.column("points", minwidth=60)          self.treestudentlog.heading("notes", text="teacher comments")          #populate student log         cursor.execute("select * studentlogs order logid desc limit 100")         alllogs = cursor.fetchall()          notelength = 0          log in alllogs:             lognotes = log[3]             print(type(lognotes))             try:                 if len(lognotes) > notelength:                     notelength = len(lognotes)             except:                 notelength = notelength              cursor.execute("select * users userid = ?", (log[2],))             studentdetails = cursor.fetchone()              cursor.execute("select * logtypes typeid = ?", (log[1],))             logtypedetails = cursor.fetchone()              logdesc = logtypedetails[2]             logvalue = logtypedetails[1]              studentname = studentdetails[1] + " " + studentdetails[2]             self.treestudentlog.insert('', 'end', text=studentname, values=(logdesc, logvalue, lognotes))          self.treestudentlog.column("notes", minwidth=notelength * 8) , y=240, width=812) 

edit: code i'm using define font:

import tkinter tk tkinter import font  treefont = font(self.mainwindow, "calibri", "12") 

where self.mainwindow current top level window (not root, i've tried too). i've tried tk.font(blah) same effect.

i end getting typeerror "module" object not callable


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