algorithm - Pseudo-code for Network-only-bayes-classifier -

i trying implement classification toolkit univariate network data using igraph , python.

however, question more of algorithms question in relational classification area instead of programming.

i following classification in networked data paper.

i having difficulty understand paper refers "network-only bayes classifier"(nbc) 1 of relational classifiers explained in paper.

i implemented naive bayes classifier text data using bag of words feature representation earlier. , idea of naive bayes on text data clear on mind.

i think method (nbc) simple translation of same idea relational classification area. however, confused notation used in equations, couldn't figure out going on. have question on notation used in paper here.

nbc explained in page 14 on the paper,

enter image description here


i need pseudo-code of "network-only bayes classifier"(nbc) explained in paper, page 14.

pseudo-code notation:

  1. let's call vs list of vertices in graph. len(vs) length. vs[i] ith vertex.
  2. let's assume have univariate , binary scenario, i.e., vs[i].class either 0 or 1 , there no other given feature of node.
  3. let's assume run local classifier before every node has initial label, calculated local classifier. interested in relational classifier part.
  4. let's call v vertex trying predict, , v.neighbors() list of vertices neighbors of v.
  5. let's assume edge weights 1.

now, need pseudo-code for:

def nbc(vs, v):    # v.class 0 or 1    # v.neighbors list of neighbor vertices    # vs list of vertices     # function returns 0 or 1 


to make job easier, did example. need answer last 2 equations.

in words...

the probability node x_i belongs class c equal to:

  • the probability of neighbourhood of x_i (called n_i) if x belonged indeed class c; multiplied ...
  • the probability of class c itself; divided ...
  • the probability of neighbourhood n_i (of node x_i) itself.

as far probability of neighbourhood n_i (of x_i) if x belong class c concerned, equal to:

  • a product of probability; (which probability?)
  • the probability node (v_j) of neighbourhood (n_i) belongs class c if x belonged indeed class c
    • (raised weight of edge connecting node being examined , node being classified...but not interested in this...yet). (the notation bit off here think, why define v_j , never use it?...whatever).
  • finally, multiply product of probability 1/z. why? because ps probabilities , therefore lie within range of 0 1, weights w anything, meaning in end, calculated probability out of range.

  • the probability x_i belongs class c given evidence neighbourhood, posterior probability. (after something...what something? ... please see below)

  • the probability of appearance of neighbourhood n_i if x_i belonged class c likelihood.

  • the probability of class c prior probability. before something...what something? evidence. prior tells probability of class without evidence presented, posterior tells probability of specific event (that x_i belongs c) given evidence neighbourhood.

the prior, can subjective. is, derived limited observations or informed opinion. in other words, doesn't have population distribution. has accurate enough, not absolutely known.

the likelihood bit more challenging. although have here formula, likelihood must estimated large enough population or "physical" knowledge phenomenon being observed possible.

within product (capital letter pi in second equation expresses likelihood) have conditional. conditional probability neighbourhood node belongs class if x belonged class c.

in typical application of naive bayesian classifier, document classification (e.g. spam mail), conditional an email spam given appearance of specific words in body derived huge database of observations, or, huge database of emails really, absolutely know class belong to. in other words, must have idea of how spam email looks , eventually, the majority of spam emails converge having common theme (i bank official , have money opportunity you, give me bank details wire money , make rich...).

without knowledge, can't use bayes rule.

so, specific problem. in pdf, have question mark in derivation of product.


so real question here is: likelihood graph / data?

(...or going derive from? (obviously, either large number of known observations or knowledge phenomenon. example, likelihood node infected given proportion of neighbourhood infected too)).

i hope helps.


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