apache - Apache2 - Mod_rewrite and .htaccess -

i using ubuntu 14.04 , apache 2.

here phpinfo file: https://www.vivashost.com/phpinfo.php

here .htacess file:

options +followsymlinks rewriteengine on rewriterule ^feature-pricing-tables.html$ feature.html 

here /etc/apache2/sistes-available/000-default.conf file:

<virtualhost *:80>     # servername directive sets request scheme, hostname , port     # server uses identify itself. used when creating     # redirection urls. in context of virtual hosts, servername     # specifies hostname must appear in request's host: header     # match virtual host. default virtual host (this file)     # value not decisive used last resort host regardless.     # however, must set further virtual host explicitly.     #servername www.example.com      serveradmin webmaster@localhost     documentroot /var/www/html     <directory />         options followsymlinks         allowoverride     </directory>     <directory /var/www/html>         options indexes followsymlinks multiviews         allowoverride         order allow,deny         allow     </directory>      servername vivashost.com     redirect "/" https://www.vivashost.com/        # available loglevels: trace8, ..., trace1, debug, info, notice, warn,     # error, crit, alert, emerg.     # possible configure loglevel particular     # modules, e.g.     #loglevel info ssl:warn      errorlog ${apache_log_dir}/error.log     customlog ${apache_log_dir}/access.log combined      # configuration files conf-available/,     # enabled or disabled @ global level, possible     # include line 1 particular virtual host. example     # following line enables cgi configuration host     # after has been globally disabled "a2disconf".     #include conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf </virtualhost>  # vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet 

but when try open https://www.vivashost.com/feature.html giving me 404 error.

i trying make rewrite rule when open feature.html apache2 must load content feature-pricing-tables.html file.

where mistake, can please me out fix thing ?

thanks in advance!

this common mistake made: you've declared rule backwards.

currently, rule says if access feature-pricing-tables.html, load content of feature.html.

use instead:

rewriterule ^feature.html$ feature-pricing-tables.html [l] 

also, l flag necessary here - in case add other rules, want stop processing if there's match rule.


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