ios - Remove -Objc flag from Cocoapods install -

my project won't build if keep -objc flag in other linker flags , inherit flag cocoapods. can delete pods.debug.xcconfig , works, however, every time run pod update comes , have delete again.

is there podfile script add automate removing -objc flag?

i'm using cocoapods v0.37.2. i'd remove -objc following snippet taken pods.release.xcconfig , pods.debug.xcconfig.

other_ldflags = $(inherited) -objc -l"c++" -l"sqlite3" -framework "avfoundation" -framework "alamofire" 

btw need remove -objc flag caused parse , facebook sdks.

i don't know if still need this, able post_install script on podfile. have different targets , works well:

post_install |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each |target|     target.build_configurations.each |config|         xcconfig_path = config.base_configuration_reference.real_path         xcconfig =         new_xcconfig = xcconfig.sub('other_ldflags = $(inherited) -objc', 'other_ldflags = $(inherited)'), "w") { |file| file << new_xcconfig }     end   end end 

i took of script this answer, wasn't able make work v 1.5 posted, modified v 1.0, hope can use or can in future.


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