Embedding LinkedIn company updates / feeds -

we have created sharepoint 2010 web part display our company feed https://www.linkedin.com/company/"name of company"/.

end-users need login first time (that ok). though login using personal linkedin profile, cannot see our company-feed. why that?

if users set linkedin designated admins can see feed, otherwise cannot.

we using

<script type="text/javascript" src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js"> api_key: "the key" lang: da_dk authorize: true onload: onlinkedinload </script> 

i hope can share knowledge.

this why :'( https://developer.linkedin.com/blog/posts/2015/developer-program-changes

starting on may 12, 2015, limiting open apis support following uses:

  • allowing members represent professional identity via linkedin profile using our profile api.

  • enabling members post certifications directly linkedin profile our add profile tools.

  • enabling members share professional content linkedin network across web leveraging our share api.

  • enabling companies share professional content linkedin our company api.

only people can admin feed can read/update company feed. others excluded unless manage promoted linkedin partner: https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs


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