c# - How do you write .Net plugins for NSClient++ -

i've been trying find examples or documentation writing .net plugins nsclient++.

can direct me working sample application or documentation?

i found source code csharpsampleplugin on github. since don't use cmake, made new vs2013 project , added 3 dll's referenced in cmake setup project (google.protocolbuffers.dll, nscp.core.dll, , nscp.protobuf.dll). found dlls in nsclient++ installation dir.

however seems code in sampleplugin.cs doesn't work current dlls. error on line:

response.addlines(plugin.queryresponsemessage.types.response.types.line.createbuilder().setmessage("hello c#").build()); 

... saying:

error   2   'plugin.queryresponsemessage.types.response' not contain definition 'types'  c:\vs_projects\nsclienthelpers\nsclientplugin\sampleplugin.cs   45  74  nsclientplugin error   1   'plugin.queryresponsemessage.types.response.builder' not contain definition 'addlines' , no extension method 'addlines' accepting first argument of type 'plugin.queryresponsemessage.types.response.builder' found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?)   c:\vs_projects\nsclienthelpers\nsclientplugin\sampleplugin.cs   45  22  nsclientplugin 

so there place can find updated sample plugin or example of how make nsclient++ plugins?

after struggling while rewrote commands 2 standalone executables, irks me couldn't work ;)

i got answer creator of nsclient on serverfault. short answer code in master branch not compatible previous release. after checking out sample code release tag , placing resulting dll in "modules/dotnet" folder, add plugin ini file ...

[/modules] dotnetplugins = 1   [/modules/dotnet] sample=csharpsampleplugin.dll 

... , see work nscp test:

... d       core loading plugin: dotnetplugin l            webserver port is: 1234 ... check_dotnet d            got command: check_dotnet l        cli ok: hello c# 


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