python - SQLAlchemy .all() only returning first result on multi-join -

howdie do,

so i'm joing 5 tables using following query:

order = db.session.query(trailer, trip, trippallet, waveorder, package)\     .join(trip, trailer.trailer_id == trip.trailer_id)\     .join(trippallet, trip.trip_id == trippallet.trip_id)\     .join(waveorder, trippallet.pallet_id == waveorder.pallet_id)\     .join(package, waveorder.order_id == package.order_id)\     .filter(trailer.trailer_id == '555555').all() 

now, 5 tables follows:

**trailer table** trailer_id       555555  **trip table** trip_id         trailer_id       523462462       555555  **trip pallet table** trip_id         pallet_id        523462462       1052 523462462       1054  **wave order table** pallet_id       order_id 1052            123456 1052            123457 1054            324567 1054            797453  **package table** order_id        tracking 123456            abckdf 123457            dvniuo 324567            dnklin 797453            adfnln 

so give overview, trailer contains trip. trip contains pallets , each pallet contains waves grouping of packages.

the query i'm using above return packages on 1 pallet, it's not returning pallets.

when run query, via loop, result:

counter = 0 trailer, trip, trippallet, wave_order, package in order:     counter += 1     print "%d trailer id %d , contains trip id %d pallet id %d , has following order %d " \           "has following tracking number %s" % \           (counter, trailer.trailer_id, trip.trip_id, trippallet.pallet_id, wave_order.order_id, package.tracking_no)    1 trailer id 555555 , contains trip id 523462462 pallet id 1052 , has following order 123456 has following tracking number abckdf 2 trailer id 555555 , contains trip id 523462462 pallet id 1052 , has following order 123457 has following tracking number dvniuo 

as can see, it's getting first pallet_id trip pallet table 1052. should getting pallet_id 1054 , returning packages on table.

does know how make return second pallet_id trip pallet table , it's corresponding packages?

howdie do,

the issue wasn't join statement. join statement 100% correct. in fact, database.

the dba had removed key data needed complete join statement.


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