sql server - SSISDB - Deploy project using T-SQL -

i trying deploy ssis project ssisdb using t-sql. in case of error while deploying, error messaged got logged catalog.operation_messages view.

now if execute same deploy statement in explicit sql transaction , if error occurs @ time of deployment not able find error logged catalog.operation_message.


begin  begin try begin tran tran1 declare @folder_id bigint exec ssisdb.catalog.create_folder @folder_name='test1', @folder_id=@folder_id output select @folder_id exec ssisdb.catalog.set_folder_description @folder_name='test1', @folder_description='test1'  --deploy  declare @projectbinary varbinary(max) declare @operation_id bigint set @projectbinary = (select * openrowset(bulk 'c:\test\myproject.ispac', single_blob) binarydata) exec ssisdb.catalog.deploy_project @folder_name = 'test1', @project_name = 'abc', @project_stream = @projectbinary, @operation_id = @operation_id out   commit  tran tran1 end try begin catch select error_message() commit tran tran1 end catch end 

this return me error message failed deploy project. more information, query operation_messages view operation identifier '34704'.

but when query view , try looking same not able find message logged operation_id, rollbacked? if yes process? how can retain it?

help me in understanding it.


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