vi - Vim help tags listing duplicates -

for reason, vim main vim file has duplicate entries of local plugins. brevity, i'll list repeats, , names of files being repeated:

gist.vim vundle.txt ultisnips.txt dash.txt nerd_commenter.txt nerd_tree.txt syntastic.txt xml-plugin.txt vim-pandoc vim-pandoc-devel ctrlp.txt vimux.txt fugitive.txt surround.txt quickfixsigns.txt gist.vim cached_file_contents funcref tiny-cmd tlib.txt snipmate.txt easymotion.txt vimwiki.txt supertab.txt minibufexpl.txt command-t.txt gundo.txt pytest.txt makegreen.txt ropevim.txt command-t.txt ctrlp.txt dash.txt gist.vim gundo.txt minibufexpl.txt nerd_commenter.txt nerd_tree.txt pytest.txt quickfixsigns.txt ropevim.txt supertab.txt syntastic.txt tlib.txt ultisnips.txt cached_file_contents funcref tiny-cmd easymotion.txt fugitive.txt makegreen.txt vim-pandoc vim-pandoc-devel snipmate.txt surround.txt vimux.txt vimwiki.txt xml-plugin.txt vundle.txt 

i'm not sure causes this, welcome.


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