android - sqLite not storing records for next month -

i developing app. activity opened asking "title", "description ", "venue using google api place picker", "date , time using date , time picker" , clicks on create button causes data saved on database.

the problem when date of current month selected user date picker working fine , storing in db when user selects date of next months, not storing data in db entry.

package com.example.akshay.eventmanager;  import; import; import; import android.content.intent; import android.os.bundle; import android.text.inputtype; import android.util.log; import android.view.view; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.datepicker; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.textview; import android.widget.timepicker; import; import android.widget.toast;  import; import; import; import; import;  import java.text.simpledateformat; import java.util.calendar; import java.util.locale;  import;   /**  * created akshay on 7/12/2015.  */ public class create extends activity implements view.onclicklistener {      button create;     edittext title, desc, time, venue;     textview venueinfo;     placepicker.intentbuilder intentbuilder;     private static final int place_picker_request = 1;     public latlng gotlatlng;     string placename;     string plname;     string addr;     double gotlat, gotlong;     string lat, long;     databasehelper mydb;     public static final string log_tag = "create";      string gottime = " ";     string gotdate = " ";      datepickerdialog datepicker;     timepickerdialog mytimepicker;     simpledateformat dateformatter;     string timefordb;     string datefordb;     int dayofmonth;     int monthname;      static boolean flag = false;       @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.create);         dateformatter = new simpledateformat("eeee dd",;           showdate();         showtime();         casting();     }      public void casting() {         create = (button) findviewbyid(;         venue = (edittext) findviewbyid(;         title = (edittext) findviewbyid(;         desc = (edittext) findviewbyid(;         time = (edittext) findviewbyid(;          time.setinputtype(inputtype.type_null);           venue.setonclicklistener(this);         time.setonclicklistener(this);         create.setonclicklistener(this);         venue.setinputtype(inputtype.type_null);      }      @override     public void onclick(view v) {          switch (v.getid())          {             case                 try {                     intentbuilder = new placepicker.intentbuilder();                      intent intent =;                       startactivityforresult(intent, place_picker_request);                  } catch (googleplayservicesrepairableexception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                  } catch (googleplayservicesnotavailableexception e) {                     toast.maketext(create.this, "google play services not available.",                             toast.length_long)                             .show();                  }                 break;               case                 string title = title.gettext().tostring();                 string desc = desc.gettext().tostring();                 string eventtime = time.gettext().tostring();                 string place = venue.gettext().tostring();                 mydb = new databasehelper(this);                   int flag = mydb.insertvalues(title, desc, place, lat, long, addr, datefordb, timefordb, dayofmonth, monthname);                    if (flag == 1) {                      log.e(log_tag , title);                     log.e(log_tag , desc);                     log.e(log_tag , place);                     log.e(log_tag , lat);                     log.e(log_tag , long);                     log.e(log_tag , addr);                     log.e(log_tag , datefordb);                     log.e(log_tag , timefordb);                     log.e(log_tag , string.valueof(dayofmonth));                     log.e(log_tag , string.valueof(monthname));                     toast.maketext(create.this, string.valueof(dayofmonth), toast.length_long).show();                     toast.maketext(create.this, string.valueof(monthname), toast.length_long).show();                     toast.maketext(create.this, "sucess", toast.length_long).show();                  } else {                     toast.maketext(create.this, "error adding records", toast.length_long).show();                 }                 break;              case       ;       ;                 break;          }     }      protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {         if (requestcode == place_picker_request) {             if (resultcode == result_ok) {                 place place = placepicker.getplace(data, this);                 gotlatlng = place.getlatlng();                 plname = (string) place.getname();                 addr = (string) place.getaddress();                 gotlat = gotlatlng.latitude;                 gotlong = gotlatlng.longitude;                 lat = string.valueof(gotlat);                 long = string.valueof(gotlong);                 placename = string.format("place: %s", place.getname());                 toast.maketext(this, placename, toast.length_long).show();                 venue.settext(plname);              }         }     }      public void showdate() {         calendar cal = calendar.getinstance();         datepicker = new datepickerdialog(this, new ondatesetlistener() {              public void ondateset(datepicker view, int year, int monthofyear, int dayofmonth) {                   calendar newdate = calendar.getinstance();                  newdate.set(year, monthofyear, dayofmonth);                 dayofmonth = dayofmonth;                 monthname = monthofyear;                 monthname = monthname+1;                 monthofyear = monthofyear+1;                  datefordb = string.valueof(dayofmonth) + "/" + string.valueof(monthofyear) + "/" + string.valueof(year);                 gotdate = dateformatter.format(newdate.gettime()).tostring();               }         }, cal.get(calendar.year), cal.get(calendar.month), cal.get(calendar.day_of_week));         flag = true;     }      public void showtime() {         if (flag == true) {              final calendar calender = calendar.getinstance();             mytimepicker = new timepickerdialog(this, new ontimesetlistener() {                  public void ontimeset(timepicker view, int hourofday, int minute) {                       calendar newtime = calendar.getinstance();                      calender.set(calendar.hour_of_day, hourofday);                     calender.set(calendar.minute, minute);                     timefordb = string.valueof(hourofday) + " : " + string.valueof(minute);                     gottime = gotdate + " @ " + string.valueof(hourofday) + ":" + string.valueof(minute);                     time.settext(gottime);                  }             }, calender.get((calendar.hour_of_day)), calender.get(calendar.minute), true);         }      } }

package com.example.akshay.eventmanager;  import android.content.contentvalues; import android.content.context; import android.database.cursor; import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase; import android.database.sqlite.sqliteopenhelper; import android.util.log; import android.widget.toast;  import java.sql.sqlexception; import java.util.calendar;  /**  * created akshay on 7/12/2015.  */ public class databasehelper extends sqliteopenhelper {      static final string db_name = "myevents.db";     static final string table_name = "myevents";      public static final string col_1 = "id";     public static final string col_2 = "title";     public static final string col_3 = "description";     public static final string col_4 = "venue";     public static final string col_5 = "latitude";     public static final string col_6 = "longitude";     public static final string col_7 = "address";     public static final string col_8 = "date";     public static final string col_9 = "time";     public static final string col_10 = "day_of_month";     public static final string col_11 = "month";     sqlitedatabase mydb;      int date, month;     calendar c;     final static string log_tag = "checkdatabase";      public databasehelper(context context) {         super(context, db_name, null, 1);      }      @override     public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {         db.execsql("create table " + table_name + "(" + col_1 + " integer primary key," + col_2 + " text," + col_3 + " text,"                 + col_4 + " text," + col_5 + " text," + col_6 + " text," + col_7 + " text," + col_8 + " text," + col_9 + " text," + col_10 + " integer ," + col_11 + " integer)");       }      @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {         db.execsql("drop table if exist " + table_name);         oncreate(db);      }       public integer insertvalues(string title, string desc, string venue, string lat, string long, string addr, string date, string time, int dayofmonth, int monthname)      {          mydb = this.getwritabledatabase();         contentvalues cv = new contentvalues();         cv.put(col_2, title);         cv.put(col_3, desc);         cv.put(col_4, venue);         cv.put(col_5, lat);         cv.put(col_6, long);         cv.put(col_7, addr);         cv.put(col_8, date);         cv.put(col_9, time);         cv.put(col_10, dayofmonth);         cv.put(col_11, monthname);         long isinserted = mydb.insert(table_name, null, cv);         if (isinserted == -1) {             return 0;         } else {             return 1;         }     }       public cursor getdata() {          c = calendar.getinstance();         date = c.get(calendar.day_of_month);         month = c.get(calendar.month);          log.e(log_tag, string.valueof(date));         log.e(log_tag, string.valueof(month+1));         sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();         cursor res = db.rawquery("select * " + table_name + " " + col_10 + ">" + date + " , " + col_11 + ">=" + month, null);         return res;     }       public cursor getdataexpired() {         c = calendar.getinstance();         date = c.get(calendar.day_of_month);         month = c.get(calendar.month);         log.e(log_tag, string.valueof(date));         log.e(log_tag, string.valueof(month+1));         sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase();         cursor res = db.rawquery("select * " + table_name + " " + col_10 + "<" + date + " , " + col_11 + "<=" + month, null);         return res;     }   } 

the values prints using log.e working fine.


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