ios - custom segue top bar -

when creating custom segue 1 view controller another, there's problem showing top bar properly.

this code custom segue:

@implementation customsegue  - (void)perform {      uiviewcontroller *sourceviewcontroller = self.sourceviewcontroller;     uiviewcontroller *destinationviewcontroller = self.destinationviewcontroller;      [sourceviewcontroller.view addsubview:destinationviewcontroller.view];      destinationviewcontroller.view.alpha = 0.0;      [uiview animatewithduration:0.5                           delay:0.0                         options:uiviewanimationoptioncurveeaseinout                      animations:^{                          destinationviewcontroller.view.alpha = 1.0;                      }                      completion:^(bool finished){                          [sourceviewcontroller presentviewcontroller:destinationviewcontroller animated:no completion:null];                          [destinationviewcontroller.view removefromsuperview];                      }]; }  @end 

i using storyboard set , sourceviewcotoller embeded in navigationviewcontroller.

after performing segue, there no top bar in th destinationviewcontroller. found answer should add navigation item destinationviewcontroller - doesn't help. way of dealing found embedding destinationviewcontroller in navigationviewcontroller. after doing this, top bar visible, during segue. it's because adding desitnationviewcontroller sourceviewcontroller, @ beginning of segue have 2 top bars visible 1 below another.

how deal ?


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