android - Gradle : Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/SomeTheme' -

i've library project has java source , resources.

in application i'm referring resources library project. working fine, add product flavours in library project following error.

error:(1) error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name '@style/sometheme'.

please see flavours added.

productflavors {     production {     }      staging {     } } 

if remove these flavours, things working fine.

what other things should make sure resources available application project when new flavours added library project ?

i not want add defaultpublishconfig "dev1production" entry library project.

what else can fix problem ?

build.gradle of library project

apply plugin: ''

android {     compilesdkversion 22     buildtoolsversion "22.0.1"      defaultconfig {         minsdkversion 14         targetsdkversion 22         versioncode 1         versionname "1.0"     }  //    defaultpublishconfig "dev1debug" //    publishnondefault true      productflavors {         production {         }          staging {         }     }      buildtypes {         release {             minifyenabled false             proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), ''         }     } }  dependencies {     compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     compile '' } 

style.xml library project

<resources xmlns:android="">      <style name="someapptheme" parent="@style/sometheme">          <!-- customize theme here. -->         <item name="android:windowdisablepreview">true</item>     </style>      <!--         base application theme, dependent on api level. theme replaced         appbasetheme res/values-vxx/styles.xml on newer devices.     -->     <style name="somethemebasejw" parent="@style/theme.appcompat.light">          <!--             theme customizations available in newer api levels can go in             res/values-vxx/styles.xml, while customizations related             backward-compatibility can go here.         -->     </style>      <!-- application theme. -->     <style name="sometheme" parent="@style/somethemebasejw" />      <style name="theme.translucent.notitlebar" parent="@android:style/theme.translucent.notitlebar">          <!-- customize theme here. -->         <item name="android:windownotitle">true</item>     </style>  </resources> 

androidmanifest library project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android=""     package="com.example.mhood.testlibrary" >      <application         android:allowbackup="true"         android:label="@string/app_name" >         <activity             android:name=".mainactivity"             android:label="@string/app_name" >             <intent-filter>                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.main" />                  <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher" />             </intent-filter>         </activity>     </application>  </manifest> 

try configuration:

it best have structure listing "parent" theme first. list of application themes(the ones inherit parent).

<resources xmlns:android="">      <!-- list base theme first -->     <style name="somethemebase" parent="@style/theme.appcompat.light">         <!-- customize theme here -->     </style>      <!-- app theme inherits parent base theme -->     <style name="someapptheme" parent="@style/somethemebase">          <!-- customize theme here -->         <item name="android:windowdisablepreview">true</item>     </style>      <!-- app theme inherits parent base theme -->     <style name="sometheme" parent="@style/somethemebase" />      <!-- app theme inherits parent base theme -->     <style name="theme.translucent.notitlebar" parent="@android:style/theme.translucent.notitlebar">         <!-- customize theme here -->         <item name="android:windownotitle">true</item>     </style>  </resources> 


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