encryption - Is there any way to use RSA in the Oracle/PL SQL? -

i need encrypt/decrypt data in pl/sql rsa (public/private key) not found way it. checked dbms_crypto package seems doesn't support rsa algorithm.

is there way use rsa in pl sql? or asymmetric algorithm suggest use instead?

problem description

in case, generate random keys (few millions in each iteration) needs stored encrypted in db. then, when requested need decrypt keys , export file. also, not allowed store duplicate keys in db. rsa seems perfect case not supported in free version of oracle cryptography package. need suggestion handle requirements.

my open source oracle pl/sql program crypto4ora can encrypt , decrypt messages using rsa public , private keys.

see project page installation details. steps download, run loadjava, , run sql script.

below full example of generating keys, encrypting, , decrypting:

--generate keys.  store private , public key later. select crypto.rsa_generate_keys(key_size => 1024)   dual;  --encrypt , store encrypted text. select crypto.rsa_encrypt(plain_text => 'this secret message.',                           public_key => '<use public key above>')   dual;  --decrypt, using encrypted text , private key, , returns plain text. select crypto.rsa_decrypt(encrypted_text => '<use output above>',                           private_key    => '<use private key first step>')   dual; 


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