java - jdbc connection string with c3p0 -

i have jdbc configured c3p0. however, worried possible conflicts, since of parameters in jdbc string , c3p0 similar.

here jdbc string:


we decided include connecttimeout, sockettimeout, autoreconnect because otherwise took long switch replica if master crashes. ( using mysql rds multi-az ).

here c3p0 properties:

<property name="acquireincrement" value="3"/> <property name="minpoolsize" value="5"/> <property name="maxpoolsize" value="10"/> <property name="maxidletime" value="3600"/> <!--  1 hour  --> <property name="maxconnectionage" value="7200"/> <property name="maxidletimeexcessconnections" value="600"/> <property name="idleconnectiontestperiod" value="180"/> <property name="testconnectiononcheckin" value="true"/> <property name="testconnectiononcheckout" value="false"/> 

any ideas / suggestions? maybe has production-ready configuration?

best regards, maksim


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