magento - How to change page title for blog in neotheme nblog -

i have magento site, have installed neotheme's nblog magento extension. extension uses "frontend url key's" value blog page title. want change title of wish. digged extension code no solution. appreciated.

instead of hard coding 'title' value blog, can create option in extension's back-end configuration add blog page title. required make following changes:-

1.under community/neotheme/blog/etc/system.xml around line no. 149 add '' tag(underneath: tag) 'new blog page title option' in configuration:-

<blog_page_title translate="label" module="neotheme_blog">                         <label>blog page title</label>                          <comment><![cdata[this appear title blog page only]]></comment>                          <frontend_type>text</frontend_type>                          <sort_order>56</sort_order>                          <show_in_default>1</show_in_default>                          <show_in_website>1</show_in_website>                          <show_in_store>1</show_in_store></blog_page_title> 
  1. under community/neotheme/blog/helper/data.php around line no. 229 change code in 'static public function getblogtitle()' function :-


return self::getfrontendname(true);  


$blogtitle = mage::getstoreconfig('blog/general/blog_page_title');      if (!$blogtitle) {          $blogtitle = self::frontend_name;      }     $blogtitle = ucfirst($blogtitle);     return $blogtitle; 

here screenshot:

enter image description here


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