r - ShinySky select2Input Bug -

here code basic shiny app. of requires packages shiny shinysky library github: https://github.com/analytixware/shinysky

here reproducible example:

 testing <- function() {   shinyapp(ui = fluidpage(    sidebarlayout(     sidebarpanel(       select2input("select2input3",                    "multiple select 2 input",                    choices = c("a","b","c"),                    selected = c("b","a"),                     type = "select")         ),mainpanel(         ))   ), server = function(input, output){}) }  testing() 

i confused why though have choices c("a", "b", "c"), dropdown select b , have no other choices. have tried selected = "b", no luck. looked @ examples shiny sky , can't see missing. video tutorial showed same type of dropdown had "b" selected, yet user click on "a" or "c" in dropdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9t4f-j76vf0&noredirect=1

i may missing obvious, can't seem find right now. thank you!

you have add parameter "multiple" in select2input , set true (like in video). false default.

select2input("select2input3",                "multiple select 2 input",                choices = c("a","b","c"),                selected = c("b","a"),                 type = "select",                multiple=true) 

edit: doesn't work me either. select2input may need update. exemple shinysky::run.shinysky.example() don't work anymore select2.


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