amazon web services - Spot Instances Support DCOS -

is possible change dcos template use spot instances? have looked around , there not seem information regarding this.

okay, given dcos template, launchconfiguration slaves looks this: (i've shortened somewhat)

"masterlaunchconfig": {   "type": "aws::autoscaling::launchconfiguration",   "properties": {     "iaminstanceprofile": { "ref": "masterinstanceprofile" },     "securitygroups": [ ... ],     "imageid": { ... },     "instancetype": { ... },     "keyname": { "ref": "keyname" },     "userdata": { ... }   } } 

to started, need add spotprice property in there. value of spotprice is, obviously, maximum price want pay. you'll need more work around autoscaling, alarms , time of day. here's new launchconfiguration spot price of $1.00 per hour:

"masterlaunchconfig": {   "type": "aws::autoscaling::launchconfiguration",   "properties": {     "iaminstanceprofile": { "ref": "masterinstanceprofile" },     "securitygroups": [ ... ],     "imageid": { ... },     "instancetype": { ... },     "keyname": { "ref": "keyname" },     "userdata": { ... },     "spotprice": 1.00   } } 


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