windows - How can I make a batch file that will tell me which lines of a text file are NOT in another file? -

what i'm trying take text file bunch of strings search for, each on own line, , search each 1 of these strings in file (check.txt). want output text file list of strings couldn't found. i've tried few things far.

 /f "tokens=*" %%a in search.txt ( @echo on findstr %%a check.txt if errorlevel 1 echo %%a fail > fail_match.txt ) 

another attempt made (this 1 tell me if whole list or not)

@echo on findstr /g:search.txt check.txt > a_match.txt  if errorlevel 1 echo bad > a_match.txt 

i realize these incredibly basic, , i'm sure there's easy answer don't understand. i'm not programmer; want make job lot easier (and faster).

to clarify, list of things search in search.txt, list of things check them against check.txt. check.txt json file, it's 1 enormous line. don't know if make difference or not. want list of lines in search.txt not in check.txt.

your search scheme seems naive on 2 fronts:

1) json not guaranteed single line. valid jason may have amount of whitespace, including newlines. cause problems if search string logically matches across multiple lines.

2) substring matches? suppose 1 search string bat, , json contains bath. doubt want consider match.

it possible neither of above concerns problem case. assuming aren't, there may simple solution using findstr.

you close on first try, except

a) - /f in() clause missing parentheses

b) - want force each search string interpreted string literal, possibly spaces. requires /c: option.

c) - assume leading spaces not significant in search string ("tokens=*" strips leading spaces)

d) - assume no search lines begin semicolon. (the default eof character semicolon, , /f skips lines begin eof character)

e) - quotes , backslashes must escaped within search string:
\" -> \\\\\", \ -> \\, " -> \". see what undocumented features , limitations of windows findstr command? more information.

points c) , d) may fixed disabling eof , delims using following odd syntax:

for delims^=^ eof^= %%a in ... 

point e) can addressed defining variable , adding escape sequences via search , replace. requires delayed expansion, delayed expansion corrupt /f variables upon expansion if contain !. delayed expansion must strategically toggled on , off within loop.

instead of using if errorleven n, can use conditional command concatenation || take action if previous command failed.

you don't need see output of findstr command, can redirected nul.

you can improve performance redirecting once, outside loop.

@echo off setlocal disabledelayedexpansion >fail_match.txt (   /f delims^=^ eol^= %%a in (search.txt) (     set "search=%%a"     setlocal enabledelayedexpansion     set "search2=!search:\"=\\"!"     set "search2=!search2:\=\\!"     set "search2=!search2:"=\"!"     findstr /c:"!search2!" check.txt >nul || echo !search!     endlocal   ) ) 

if none of search strings begin ;, , no search string contains " or \, solution can simple as:

@echo off setlocal disabledelayedexpansion >fail_match.txt (   /f "delims=" %%a in (search.txt) findstr /c:"%%a" check.txt >nul || echo %%a ) 


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