How can I place a folder in a specific location using javafx-ant with Maven? -

i have upgraded build plain ant maven manage dependencies. 1 of third party jars needs supporting file placed in specific location.

i have managed create simple pom.xml compile application , generate exe installer. unable place file in specific folder location.

when application build & deployed should placed in location:


this want correctly bundled in installer - unable find way specify specific location specific file.

following pattern (only showing relative pieces of pom):

<groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid> <artifactid>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactid> <version>1.6</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>package</phase> <configuration> <target>  <taskdef name="jfxdeploy" classname="" classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />     <jfxdeploy outdir="${}/deploy" outfile="${build.finalname}" nativebundles="all">     <resources>                                  <fileset dir="${}" includes="*.jar" />         <fileset dir="${}/dependency" includes="*.jar" />         <fileset dir="${}/properties" includes="*.properties" />    </resources> .... 

this places *.properties file in location


is there way place in sub folder @ location?


i found answer issue. needed change mapping in fileset follows:

<fileset dir="${}" includes="properties/*.properties"/> 

this placed needed be.


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