AngularJs $resource return my Java Enum as an array from a REST service -

i'm pretty new angularjs, , have trouble retreiving correctly java enum rest service. code put @ end of question, here result got : {"0":"c","1":"u","2":"s","3":"t","4":"o","5":"m","6":"e","7":"r"} it's array, excpecting simple string. maybe miss how transform string ? can't find correct way ...

here controller :

angular.module('myapp') .controller('labcontroller', function ($scope, labservice) {      $scope.clientouabonneresultat = '';      $scope.clientouabonne = function () {         labservice.get({noclient: 10002782, nocontrat: 1003}, function(result) {             $scope.clientouabonneresultat = result;         });     };  }); 

my service :

angular.module('myapp') .factory('labservice', function ($resource) {     return $resource('api/lab/clientouabonne', {}, {     }); }); 

my backend implementation :

@restcontroller @requestmapping("/api/lab") public class labresource {  private final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(labresource.class);  @inject private labservice labservice;  @requestmapping(value = "/clientouabonne",         method = requestmethod.get,         produces = mediatype.application_json_value) @timed public customertypeenum getperiodefacturation(@requestparam(value = "noclient") long noclient,                                               @requestparam(value = "nocontrat") long nocontrat)         throws urisyntaxexception {     return labservice.isclientouabonne(noclient, nocontrat); } } 

and finally, enum :

public enum customertypeenum {     customer, subscriber, none; } 


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