Checking NULL in C# LINQ expression -

i have linq expression converts dateformat utc date format of user culture.

for (int = 0; < datexml.count ; i++) {     if (datatype.tolower() == "date")     {  => { ((object[])(c))[i] =    convertfromutcdate( convert.todatetime (((object[])(c))[i]),  usertimezone); return c; }).tolist();     } } 

some times date value in (object[])(c))[i] null or have string or decimal if value wrongly stored in db.

how check if values not null , has date , convert in expression.

to avoid adding more complexity , being able read , maintain code easily, extract anonymous method , make named method


c => { ((object[])(c))[i] = convertfromutcdate( convert.todatetime (((object[])(c))[i]), usertimezone); return c; }


public datetime convertfromobjecttodate(object dbdate){     if(dbdate null || !(dbdate datetime))return datetime.minvalue;      var result =   convertfromutcdate(convert.todatetime (dbdate),usertimezone);       return result;  } 


c => {((object[])(c))[i] =  convertfromobjecttodate(((object[])(c))[i]);} 


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