jquery - Bootstrap table header issue -

check checkbox problem in chrome have bootstrap table. table header not render in chrome browser. , table css changes when perform append operation. please check code.

    <div class="panel-body">    <table id="tablerelease" data-height="400" data-search="true"     data- click-to-select="true">                     <thead>                         <tr>             <th data-field="state" data-checkbox="true">    </th>              <th data-field="id" data-sortable="true">sequence</th>              <th data-field="stepname" data-sortable="true">step type</th>            <th data-field="parameter" data-sortable="true">parameter(s)</th>           <th data-field="packageno" data-sortable="true">package no</th>                         </tr>                     </thead>                 </table>              </div> 


   // load function     function loaddata() {      try {     $(function () {         $('#tablerelease').bootstraptable({         });     });   }   catch (ex)    { logevent("createrelease.loaddata", ex.message); }  }    // append function          function updatedata(mydata) {           $('#tablerelease').bootstraptable("append", mydata);         } 

check column checkboxes not working in chrome... header css changing in ie when appending data table

give width each columns (table header , table body also). check example. http://jsfiddle.net/nithin_dev/0umxqsd7/


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