c# - How can I close a video with MediaElement? -

i have mediaelement, , click of button, open video

<button x:name="videotour" click="videotour_click"  grid.column="4" grid.columnspan="2" grid.row="0" borderbrush="{x:null}" style="{staticresource buttonstyle1}" verticalalignment="top" margin="0,14,0,0" foreground="#ff5acb2f" background="{x:null}">         <button.content>                 <image source="../assets/movie.png" width="40" height="40"/>         </button.content> </button>    <mediaelement x:name="playtour" visibility="collapsed" grid.row="1" grid.rowspan="2" grid.column="1" grid.columnspan="4"  source="{binding urltour}" aretransportcontrolsenabled="true" width="260" height="250"/> 

when video has opened, submit button close mediaelement video, , set visibility property collpased, how can do?

you can add new button , subscribe click event stop video


i think, can handle how determine visibility state buttons


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