Retrieve data from facebook graph API 2.4 -

can me retrieve data using new graph api v2.4 of facebook, using url-{user-id}/feed?limit=1&locale=en_gb&access_token={access-token}

previously provides data, (provide data view in json format)

    "id": "12345_67890",     "from": {       "name": "xyz",       "id": "123456"     },     "message": "hwregdsfdsf",     "link": "",     "name": "",     "caption": "",     "icon": "",     "actions": [       {         "name": "comment",         "link": ""       },       {         "name": "like",         "link": ""       },       {         "name": "share",         "link": ""       }     ],     "privacy": {       "value": "everyone",       "description": "public",       "friends": "",       "allow": "",       "deny": ""     },     "type": "link",     "status_type": "shared_story",     "application": {       "category": "business",       "link": "",       "name": "him_test_app",       "id": "562********27561"     },     "created_time": "2015-07-09t14:17:56+0000",     "updated_time": "2015-07-09t14:17:56+0000",     "is_hidden": false,     "subscribed": true,     "is_expired": false   } 

but provide only

     "message": "hwregdsfdsf",      "created_time": "2015-07-09t14:17:56+0000",      "id": "12345_67890"   } 

ok, has been implemented

its implementation in various beautiful modules of joomla webkul, looks great, have here

you can manually specify fields want returned grpah api.


for example{user-id}/feed?limit=1&locale=en_gb&access_token={access-token}&fields=id,from,message,link,caption,icons,actions,privacy,status_type 


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