android - Web View running on other than UI thread -

i trying show flurry interstitial getting following message in debug screen , not receiving interstitial on screen.

07-14 15:55:31.390: w/webview(10588): java.lang.throwable: warning: webview method called on thread 'flurryagent'. webview methods must called on ui thread. future versions of webview may not support use on other threads.

i have followed tutorial : android integration

at present working on andengine. error replying put code in ui thread result same.

here code displaying ads :

protected void oncreate(bundle psavedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(psavedinstancestate);      // configure flurry     flurryagent.setlogenabled(false);      // init flurry     flurryagent.init(maingameactivity.this, my_flurry_apikey);      mflurryadinterstitial = new flurryadinterstitial(maingameactivity.this,             my_adspace_name);      flurryadtargeting adtargeting = new flurryadtargeting();     // enable test mode interstitial ad unit     adtargeting.setenabletestads(true);     mflurryadinterstitial.settargeting(adtargeting);      // allow callbacks ad events     mflurryadinterstitial.setlistener(interstitialadlistener);      mflurryadinterstitial.fetchad();  }  flurryadinterstitiallistener interstitialadlistener = new flurryadinterstitiallistener() {      @override     public void onfetched(final flurryadinterstitial adinterstitial) {          adinterstitial.displayad();     }      @override     public void onerror(final flurryadinterstitial adinterstitial,             flurryaderrortype aderrortype, int errorcode) {         adinterstitial.destroy();     }      @override     public void onappexit(flurryadinterstitial arg0) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     }      @override     public void onclicked(flurryadinterstitial arg0) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     }      @override     public void onclose(flurryadinterstitial arg0) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     }      @override     public void ondisplay(flurryadinterstitial arg0) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     }      @override     public void onrendered(flurryadinterstitial arg0) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     }      @override     public void onvideocompleted(flurryadinterstitial arg0) {         // todo auto-generated method stub     } };  @override protected void onstart() {     super.onstart();      flurryagent.onstartsession(maingameactivity.this);  }  @override protected void onstop() {     super.onstop();      flurryagent.onendsession(maingameactivity.this); }  @override public void ondestroy() {     super.ondestroy();     mflurryadinterstitial.destroy();  } 

so in situation? please me!!!!


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