arrays - Output goes stray at START and at END of a java loop -

i writing code translating signals 1 form form. code works fails ends.

input: string [] test = {"b","100","b","b","2","3","100","b","200","b","3","17","b","10" }; 

required output: b/101 b/1 b/106 b/201 b/21 b/11

got output: b/1 b/101 b/1 b/106 b/201 b/21

comparison of required output , got output
first term b/1 not required in got output. b/11 missing @ end in required output.

algorithm: "b" replaced "b/", , followed addition of numbers appearing in strings "2", "3","100" gives 105 , "1" added "b" hence 106 , final result becomes 'b/106'.

i new comer java , programming. need required output.

this code:

public class signalconversion {   public static void main(string args[]) {  string [] test  ={"b","100","b","b","2","3","100","b","200","b","3","17","b","10" };  int i=0; int x=test.length;  string netsignal=""; int total=0;  while(!(x==0)){          stringbuilder sb_matra= new stringbuilder();         stringbuilder sb_sur= new stringbuilder();           if(!test[i].equals("b")) {                 total=total+(integer.valueof(test[i]));          }         else {             total=total+1;             sb_sur.append(test[i]+"/"+integer.tostring(total)+"  " );             total=0;          }           netsignal=sb_sur.tostring()+sb_matra.tostring();          system.out.printf(netsignal);            i++;         x--;     } } } 

when encounter "b", should start summing numbers following it, output result when encounter next "b". that's why have problem @ ends. print first "b" when encounter it, before calculating number should come it.

similarly, @ end of loop, should add additional b last sum.

here's potential way of doing (i think loop simpler yours):

stringbuilder sb_sur= new stringbuilder();  boolean first = true; (int = 0; < test.length; i++) {     if(!test[i].equals("b")) {            total=total+(integer.valueof(test[i]));      } else {         if (!first) {           total=total+1;           sb_sur.append("b/"+integer.tostring(total)+"  " );           total=0;          }         first = false;     }   } total=total+1; // account last b sb_sur.append("b/"+integer.tostring(total)+"  " ); 


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