design patterns - When to call Workflow in a Custom Java Application -

i have custom java application needs workflow create tasks , each task completed several folks(groups). need able show tasks open user when he/she logs custom java app. when user clicks on task , completes, should propagate next task , assign next group. want separate ui logic work flow logic.

we not want use bpm solution come own ui , using workflow piece bpm not add value use bpm tool , expensive.

questions: if buy separate workflow engine provides java api 1) should have logic of when call workflow engine ? if custom java app has logic call workflow engine then, defeats purpose of separating workflow logic. 2) custom java app call workflow engine @ every event , workflow reacts events ?

thank shiva_r99

your workflow seems linear, should do.

public class taskworkflow {   iterator<task> tasks;    // ... constructor, setters, getters, etc.    public taskworkflow completetask() {     // ... complete next task     return this;   } } 


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