lucene - Search only delivers media items after Sitecore Update -

we updated our sitecore cms version 6.3 6.6 sp2. sitecore version has intranet module installed. working fine, lucene search doesn't seem work properly.

there 2 indexes defined. 1 whole content tree , 1 media library. search delivers results media items (images, pdfs), no pages. tool luke i'm able indexes , see items there. not in search results on website anymore.

i rebuilt search indexes using sitecore control panel, didn't help.

as said, working fine on sitecore 6.3, not on updated 6.6 sp2.

any idea problem?

thanks in advance :)

here blog post troubleshooting sitecore lucene search , indexing .

in shortcut:

  • check if items indexed correctly either using luke.
  • check if matchall query return page items:

    searchmanager.getindex("your_index_name").createsearchcontext()     .search(new matchalldocsquery(), int.maxvalue)     .fetchresults(0, int.maxvalue).select(r => r.getobject<item>()) 
  • check included templates:

    <include hint="list:includetemplate"> 


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