- VS2008 VB Button fires in Firefox & Chrome but not in IE 11 -

my simple webform program has submit button fires uneventfully in current versions of firefox , chrome, not fire in ie 11. other programs in same project have similar buttons fire in 3 browsers. no error messages, running breakpoints shows never hits .click sub. happens when running in local mode on real webserver (sorry, it's behind our firewall, can't demo it). here's button code:

<asp:button id="btnsubmit" runat="server" text="submit" /> 

and in designer:

protected withevents btnsubmit global.system.web.ui.webcontrols.button 

and in .vb:

protected sub btnsubmit(byval sender object, byval e eventargs) handles --some code-- end sub 

note in handles code directly above, there breakpoint on protected sub line never touches (and on other programs in project when tested). doesn't matter if there's code in or not, doesn't sub @ all.

(suggestions similar incidents found via google) there no validators on page. autoeventwireup attributes set false, changed 1 program true per suggestion on site, nada. buttonids correct. if double click on button in .aspx verify goes, goes correct associated sub in codebehind should. i've deleted , recreated button several times. "clear form" button on same page doesn't work, it's not 1 button.

i've tried commented out except enough run (page_load , button sub), , fails, if create program scratch again, none of "real" code, adding subs , functions, etc, back, 1 one, work while, , fail. i've tried commenting out added sub or function, way page_load , button sub, still fails. has been added don't know affect make not work in ie work in ff or chrome.

any ideas welcomed.

ivy, va


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