opencv - Capture video using FFmpeg in Android -

i've made simple camera app learn how capture video on android device. clip recorded of mediarecorder library. preview shown in videoview before recording starts, , continues show during actual recording. have understood, recording of videos can done creating intent , calling external activity, result in previous activity paused , destroyed (correct?).

anyways, project prefer first approach, not leave activity. unfortunately, experience issues mediarecorder library due known bug (which way seems have been around years). have come across ffmpeg , "touchtorecord" (link below) demo project uses ffmpeg recorder javacv capture videos touching screen. awesome! except not want start camera new activity, in example. want remain in same activity , see preview , record in videoview directly. touch videoview record isn't necessary. think it's possible use same library (javacvvideorecorder), creator of demo project have been using, this? or there better way have not yet discovered?

in end, want being able record video directly videoview, without using mediarecorder library.

link demo project:


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