angularjs - How to pass a function variable from a controller to a directive link? -

i trying evaluate variable through directive. how can pass variable found inside function controller directive link? able pass globally if variable set inside function says undefined. tried rootscope know avail.


$scope.checkforcall = function(){     $http({         url: $locationprovider + 'broadcast_call',         method: "get"     }).success(function (data){         if(data != 'none'){             $scope.ccards = data.broadcast;             $scope.hasdata = 1;         }   else    {             $scope.hasdata = 0;         }     }); } 

my directive

 app.directive('cards', function($timeout,$interval){     return{         restrict: 'eac',         template: '<h1>not found</h1>',         link: function($scope){                if($scope.hasdata == 1){ // undefine                   console.log("has data")                }else{                  console.log("not found")                }         }     }; }); 

because use data $http .success, asynchronous change. means scope.hasdata undefined @ first, change 0 or 1 @ later time.

for case can setup watcher in directive can when detect changes.

link: function (scope, element, attrs){ // fix line suggested other poster      scope.$watch(function(){          return scope.hasdata;      },      function() {          if(scope.hasdata == 1){              console.log("has data");          }          else if(scope.hasdata == 0){              console.log("not found");          }          else {              console.log("not ready yet");          }      }); } 


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