azure - Cannot repeatedly F5-deploy an OWIN Service Fabric application in VS 2015 RC -

steps reproduce:

  1. create application (in case, 2 stateless services following owin+web api tutorial, , leaving each instance count @ 1)
  2. f5-deploy start application -- works, , can see application in service fabric explorer
  3. shift-f5 in vs 2015 (rc) stop debugging -- application continues run in service fabric explorer
  4. f5-deploy again -- exception occurs in each stateless service, follows:
system.reflection.targetinvocationexception unhandled user code   hresult=-2146232828   message=exception has been thrown target of invocation.   source=mscorlib   stacktrace:        @ system.runtimemethodhandle.invokemethod(object target, object[] arguments, signature sig, boolean constructor)        @ system.reflection.runtimemethodinfo.unsafeinvokeinternal(object obj, object[] parameters, object[] arguments)        @ system.reflection.runtimemethodinfo.invoke(object obj, bindingflags invokeattr, binder binder, object[] parameters, cultureinfo culture)        @ builder)        @ context)        @ url, action`1 startup)        @ infrastructure.owincommunicationlistener.openasync(cancellationtoken cancellationtoken) in c:\users\lars\documents\visual studio 2015\projects\webapisf\infrastructure\owincommunicationlistener.cs:line 47        @<opencommunicationlistenerasync>d__8.movenext()   innerexception:         errorcode=5        hresult=-2147467259        message=access denied        nativeerrorcode=5        source=system        stacktrace:             @             @             @ listener, func`2 appfunc, ilist`1 addresses, idictionary`2 capabilities, func`2 loggerfactory)             @`2 app, idictionary`2 properties)        innerexception:  

it works if delete each application after step 3, , unprovision application type well, before f5-deploying again in step 4. merely deleting each application not.

update: rebuilding , f5-deploying seems work intermittently, f5-deploying doesn't, @ least tell. thought little while incrementing servicemanifest version , applicationtypeversion help, didn't work consistently either. thing consistently works deleting , unprovisioning application & application type.

i'm running vs 2015 rc administrator, on windows 8.1 pro x64, , services .net 4.5 in tutorial.

the error message here key: message=access denied.

usually means 1 of 2 things:

  1. the account service running (network service default) doesn't have access open listener on url want. url acl must set. service fabric automatically when specify input endpoint type http in servicemanifest.xml.
  2. some other process using port.

given works first time deploy, it's not #1. , given works when delete , unprovision application, guess host process isn't being terminated when f5 again. when f5 second time, can check see if service's service host process still running?


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