How to get the options with which clang was compiled -
it possible gcc configure options gcc -v
(an example here). there similar way retrieve compilation options of clang?
my real task following one: have environment compiler (clang) want improve. have patch clang applied , want rebuild patched sources, want sure nothing changes vanilla build apart patch; in particular, build flags use same.
no, not. it's possible cxxflags/ldflags clang compiled via llvm-config
$ llvm-config --cxxflags -i/opt/compiler/llvm-trunk/include -march=native -fpic -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -wall -w -wno-unused-parameter -wwrite-strings -wcast-qual -wmissing-field-initializers -pedantic -wno-long-long -wcovered-switch-default -wnon-virtual-dtor -std=c++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -o3 -dndebug -d_gnu_source -d__stdc_constant_macros -d__stdc_format_macros -d__stdc_limit_macros $ llvm-config --ldflags -l/opt/compiler/llvm-trunk/lib $ llvm-config --system-libs -lrt -ldl -lcurses -latomic -lpthread -lz -lm
if on linux distribution, check pkgbuild (or similar) find exact flags.
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