java - JBehave doesn't seem to execute the tests -
so it's first time jbehave , i'm trying create first jbehave in project appears test doesn't execute steps. in end test says test cases went through without problems in fact not executed @ all. set break points in every step method , debugger doesn't stop me @ not mention exceptions these steps throw.
this scenario:
narrative: in order user start using application, first needs register , log in scenario: successful registration given user email '' when user specifies password 'aaaaaa' user should registered email '' , hashed password 'aaaaaa'
the steps:
public class userregistrationsteps extends steps { @given("a user email '$email'") public void addnewuser(@named("email") string email) { user u = new user(); u.setemail(email); throw new runtimeexception("test"); } @when("the user specifies password '$password'") public void setpassword(@named("password") string password) { system.out.println("test"); throw new runtimeexception("test"); } @then("the user should registered email '$email' , hashed password '$password'") public void verifysuccessfulregistration(@named("email") string email, @named("password") string password) { system.out.println("test"); throw new runtimeexception("test"); } }
and test executor:
public class userregistrationtest extends junitstories { public userregistrationtest() { super(); this.configuredembedder().candidatesteps().add(new userregistrationsteps()); } @override protected list<string> storypaths() { return arrays.aslist("bdd/users/user_registration.story"); } }
any idea wrong it?
i'm not sure if simple formatting issue in stackoverflow, can see, indented steps in story file 4 whitespaces. think jbehave not find steps way.
so, .story file should this:
narrative: in order user start using application, first needs register , log in scenario: successful registration given user email '' when user specifies password 'aaaaaa' user should registered email '' , hashed password 'aaaaaa'
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