Swagger for a chat server over a websocket? -

i want write webapp has chat server component. i'll use swagger main rest api, want use similar chat server on websocket. i'm looking serialisation/deserialisation of messages, message validation, transport, etc. i.e. boring stuff.

is possible use swagger this, or can people suggest else might me? @ moment chat server home made based on redis, might switch ejabberd or else if can find need.

the answer no. swagger provides convention documenting api not implementing it.

as per oficial documentation:

the goal of swagger™ define standard, language-agnostic interface rest apis allows both humans , computers discover , understand capabilities of service without access source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection.

this means swagger in used build , visualize api documentation.

what looking not api documenting tool. can achieve goal xmpp protocol library such smack. see here: http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/


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