android - ShowCaseView Target from another Layout -

my main activity inflate activity_main.xml


in activity main have recyclerview view:

<     android:id="@+id/readlist"     android:scrollbars="vertical"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"      android:layout_below="@+id/layoutlistarspiner"     android:layout_alignparentstart="true" /> 

for recyclerview items have layout, recycleritemlist inflated adapter:

public mycustomholder oncreateviewholder(viewgroup viewgroup, int i) {          view itemview = layoutinflater.                 from(viewgroup.getcontext()).                 inflate(r.layout.recycleritemlist, viewgroup, false);          return new mycustomholder(itemview);     } 

and inside recyclerviewlist have imagebutton want set showcaseview point:

<imagebutton     android:id="@+id/status"     android:layout_width="38dp"     android:background="@null"     android:scaletype="centerinside"     android:src="@drawable/favorite"     android:paddingleft="4dp"     android:paddingright="4dp"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_centervertical="true"     /> 

but showcaseview keep showing me null pointer:

java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke virtual method 'void android.view.view.getlocationinwindow(int[])' on null object reference 

thats because returning null

 viewtarget target = new viewtarget(, main); 

the showcasecode highlight

 viewtarget target = new viewtarget(, main);          new showcaseview.builder(main)                 .settarget(target)                 .setcontenttitle("test 1 - status")                 .setcontenttext("this status button")                 .hideontouchoutside()                 .build();      } 

how can make acessible/not null?


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