maven - ERROR [WsdlTestCase] Failed to create test step for [X] -

i error error [wsdltestcase] failed create test step [x] when executing soapui project maven.

tests work fine soapui client software. soap-ui.error log empty.

there doesn't seem enough information let me debug - i'm guessing there's dependency i'm missing, tests simple (rest requests few assertions on http response). assumed core maven plugin suffice.

my maven config below (i've included eviware repository -

<plugin>             <groupid>eviware</groupid>             <artifactid>maven-soapui-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.0.2</version>             <executions>                 <execution>                     <phase>integration-test</phase>                     <id>soapui-tests</id>                     <configuration>                         <projectfile>${basedir}/src/test/resources/mytestsuite.xml</projectfile>                         <outputfolder>${basedir}/target/soapui</outputfolder>                         <junitreport>true</junitreport>                         <exportwall>true</exportwall>                         <printreport>true</printreport>                     </configuration>                     <goals>                     <goal>test</goal>                     </goals>                 </execution>             </executions>         </plugin> 

the preceeding messages :

[defaultsoapuicore] missing folder [/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/build-mule-configuration/workspace/ext] external libraries 2015-07-01 15:10:48,961 info [defaultsoapuicore] creating new settings @ [/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/build-mule-configuration/workspace/soapui-settings.xml] 

i've moved 4.6.1 version of soapui plugin detailed here (, tests @ least attempting execute. understand version i've outlined above should work perhaps doesn't recognise current soap ui project syntax.

as aside 4.6.1 version of plugin seems have larger number of dependancies , me causing memory issues.


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