c# - Crystal Report Viewer Error -

using c# windows forms application i'm generating crystal report using following code.

        private void frmreportviewer_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         using (reportdocument report = new reportdocument())         {             string = (new system.uri(assembly.getentryassembly().codebase)).absolutepath;             string b = path.getdirectoryname(a);             string fullpath = path.combine(b, "..\\..\\reports\\dailyattendance\\rpt_dailyattendance.rpt");              dataset ds_attendance = new dataset();             ds_attendance = obj_daltimeattendance.getattendancereport();             ds_attendance.tables[0].tablename = "rpt_timesheet";              report.load(fullpath);             report.setdatasource(ds_attendance);             report.setdatabaselogon("cil_hr", "asd@123");             rptviewer.reportsource = report;             rptviewer.displaytoolbar = true;             rptviewer.refreshreport();         }     } 

report loading without issue. when i'm clicking on tool bar buttons in report viewer attached error showing. idea?

enter image description here


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