angularjs - ngCart checkout button always 404s -

i feel being stupid.

in docs says ngcart render checkout button this:

 <ngcart-checkout service="http" settings="{ url:'/checkout' }"></ngcart-checkout> 

however returns 404. have setup checkout view , added routeprovider (which works normal link)

i have tried variations (add hashbang etc) , links non-angular pages 404s

ngcart's example seem invoke checkout button so:

 <div ng-if="service=='http' || service == 'log'">      <button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="checkout()" ng-disabled="!ngcart.gettotalitems()" ng-transclude>checkout</button>  </div> 

this returns: provider.checkout not function - expected haven't declared it. wouldn't know start creating function open checkout page.

any awesome!

try changing code this:

<ngcart-checkout service="http" settings="{ url:'/#/checkout' }"></ngcart-checkout> 

also ngcart, you'll have add more information settings object. such paypal email, order items, total price, etc. see docs.


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