cmd - batch file exit /B -

i wish leave cmd.exe window open upon completion of batch file following. test launching windows 7 explorer, cmd.exe version 6.1.7601. beeps , pause work fine, want leave cmd open issue subsequent commands.

@echo off :: wschloss jul 2015 :: batch runs if laptop's core temp close critical ::   determined "core temp" utility @ ::   "c:\orion\system information\coretemp\64bit\core temp.exe" :: ::     color 1f :: white on blue :: beeps!    echo .    type c:\bill\beep.txt :: causes laptop beep attention    cls ::    echo .    echo laptop critical temperature approaches!    echo .    echo save data , cool me down now!    echo .    pause    color    exit /b :: eop 

this seems trivial missing something. help.

add cmd /k end of file redirect program command prompt. (it end program, then, in same window, open command prompt)

@echo off :: wschloss jul 2015 :: batch runs if laptop's core temp close critical ::   determined "core temp" utility @ ::   "c:\orion\system information\coretemp\64bit\core temp.exe" :: ::  color 1f :: white on blue :: beeps! echo . type c:\bill\beep.txt :: causes laptop beep attention cls :: echo . echo laptop critical temperature approaches! echo . echo save data , cool me down now! echo . pause color cmd /k :: eop 

that, , if want previous output cleared, of course add cls right before cmd /k.


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