hadoop - How to use Zookeeper with Azure HDInsight Linux cluster? -

obviously need start zookeeper server on 1 of cluster machines, need other client machines connect server. way did used ssh connect headnode, found zk server running on port 2181. so, used ifconfig machine's ip address (for example , had worker nodes connect to: however, mr job completes works , output not correct. suspect i'm doing wrong zookeeper, didn't follow tutorial , improvised steps.

hdinsight has multiple zookeeper servers. not sure if specifying 1 might cause of problem seeing.

i wrote example while uses storm write hbase (both servers on same azure virtual network,) , part of configuration, had specify 3 zookeeper servers component writes hbase. (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/hdinsight-storm-sensor-data-analysis/ article.)

from cluster head node, can ping zookeeper0, zookeeper1, , zookeeper2 find ip address of each.


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