vba - export data from access to excel 2007 -

i new vba coding , facing problem.

i need transfer table access db excel

but whenever try run code gives error says table not present in db

my code:

 sub hello()  call transfertoexcel  end sub  public function transfertoexcel()  on error goto errorhandler   dim strtable string  dim worksheetpath string   worksheetpath = "c:\users\desktop\test.xlsx"  strtable = "testtable"   docmd.transferspreadsheet transfertype:=acexport, _  spreadsheettype:=acspreadsheettypeexcel12, _  tablename:=strtable, filename:=worksheetpath, _  hasfieldnames:=true   errorhandlerexit:  exit function   errorhandler:   msgbox "error no:" & err.number _  & "; description: " & err.description  resume errorhandlerexit   end function 


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